Monday, August 29, 2011

Random thoughts!!

I shall wait for the day...when you shall demand attention and answers for the most silly thing and questions and then i will let you know how I felt back then......

Monday, August 1, 2011

It May Be.....!!!!!

It may be…
That what I speak to you
Is not what I want you to understand!!
It may be
What I tell you
Is not what I want you to know!!
It may be
What I argue to you
Is not what I want to win!!
It may be
What I have shown you
Is not what I want you to see!!
It may be
My “NO” had reasons
But I never wanted to hurt!!
It may be
Am being rude
But for something good!!
It may be
I wanted to make things simple
But they were actually complex!!

It may be
I might have intentionally hurt you
But I never ever wanted that!!
It may be
I was fighting
But that was not I wanted!!
It may be
What you understand me
Is not what I am!!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Think about it!!

Whenever you are in despair , confused, miffed, irritated , negative , pessimist and doubtful about anything just ask one question to yourself-

WHAT IS THE WORST THAT CAN HAPPEN WITH THAT THING”? and then see analyze to which answer that question leads you. You will eventually get the answers and they will be the best.

Holding on is the biggest hindrance to our dream. Do not hold on instead MOVE ON, just move on with each moment, each second is so precious, don’t let yourself regret for any moment later.

Just imagine, if this world is going to end in 2012 December , what all are you going to do in this span of time? Think!! and Act!! immediately—you will enjoy life to fullest. J

My thought at this- When the world will end—there will be a new beginning!!!!! J

Say Cheers!!!!!

Just By Being There!!!!

There was a spark in your eyes
Made me inclined to you!!!

I knew you can read my heart
Read all that was there                  
Happy or sad!!

You can read my eyes
when they smile or weep..

You can sense my silence
You can understand my words..            

Your smiles make me happy!!
Your words make me positive!!
Your presence is so refreshing!!
Your hug is so warm!!!
Your eyes so captivating!!

always having little questions
with lots of meaning...

Your heart so big
open for all good..

Stay with me just like this
always and forever
whichever is longer...

Stay by my side  
 to let me not fall

Hold my hand
even if I dont ask...

Coz you really make
my life Beautiful

P.S.- This is a small effort to dedicate a poem for one of my sweetest friend!!! its her Bday and she is so very special for me!!!!.. Happy Bdayy Khajju( as we call her)!!! may you be blessed with not only what you desire but also what you deserve , as you deserve the best!!!!! :) :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

She Changed!

Some changes are for better, some for THE BEST!!!
Initially he was wrong in changing her, she was losing herself......!!

But when she realised that if she changes for him it will bring no happiness but sadness. So she Changed for Herself, changed the flow of her thoughts, changed the way she had thought about him and herself all through, changed the vision she had embedded in her mind.

This Change has brought back the shine in her smile, the glow on her face. She has attracted more love, more happiness around her.

Now He smiles at his little efforts where he made her realise that she is special..He is happy to Change her.

They are together forever!!!!     :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Forgive, and Move On!!!

For a peaceful well being, a peaceful mind is must!! We are taught since childhood that we should discard what is awful and bad for us. As we grow up we forget this simple thing when it comes to our personal well being, we forget that forgiving is actually favorable to us and by practicing this we do not let our self-respect down but actually we become more mature and are controller of our mind that what it should store and what it should discard.

It is not that when we forgive then we actually submit our self to the one who was mistaken but actually we free our mind and heart of the wrong that happened whether it was done by self or any other person.

Our mind rejects what is improper to store i.e. jealousy, hatred, arrogance, irritation and while forgiving we are actually rejecting these futile emotions.

Let me make it more clear, when the one who hurts you intentionally or unintentionally he/she is actually emitting negative energies and emotions which are disturbing you as well as the one who is doing it. The person who is actually the doer is not able to realize the outcomes but may be because you are the sufferer, you are able to realize it more clearly, here at this point when you Forgive not only the doer but also yourself that you faced such situation you actually free you mind of the Odds that were going to hinder your path. You free the doer of his/her shortcomings and make place for a healthier atmosphere around you.

The key to forgiving is -- Smile and Silence at the same time!!!! You actually become more Respected when you shun off the criticism by smiling silently at the situation and forgiving!!!

So Folks!!! Raise your Spirits Higher!!!!! :)

As you think so shall you reap!!!!

Hey people! have you ever given a thought that till date in life you have exactly become what you have thought about your life. Your life is exactly like what your thoughts have been. The life has been bright beautiful and prosperous because you have initilally thought and visualized it that way or life has been extremely messy, terrible and blown up just because you were fed up, always in need, always criticizing.

Folks, let me introduce you to your life which is exactly the mirror image of how your thoughts have been till now, siting an example of my ownself.

We always say sentences and phrases like - "ohh!!! wow what a wonderful life that fellow has or what a great luck she has!!! but we never ponder on the this one important thing that they are happy beacuse they are the controller or their own life. They are not driven by anyone else's thought, they do not do things just to please others.

One important thing to be happy and make others happy is to make yourself happy, if you are happy and at peace with what is, you shall be happy everafter. Never do anything to make others happy, today you will succeed in doing so but until when??
One day in doing so you might have lost your happiness and even those whom you were trying to please will be sad to see you frustrated and remorse.
 Get Up!! get charged to your energies!!! Do what please you and not others, when you will be amused your surroundings will automatically react to the energy you flow( remember Quantum Physics and Energy Flow)!! Its Scientific and Practical!!!

More inputs coming ahead...This is just the beginning!!!
I achieved and so will you!!!